Answers for Baseball HOF Members Quiz

The following Baseball Hall of Fame members have double letters in either their first or last name, or both. 44.11 percent (147 of 331 members of the Hall of Fame) meet this criterion. Using the clues provided, filled in the names. Hint: the names are in alphabetical order by last name. Also, answers are based on the roster on the official website for the National Baseball Hall of Fame (

1. _a__ Aa___                                     Hank Aaron

2. ____ _pp___                                   Luke Appling

3. ___l _____ll                                     Earl Averill

4. __ff _____ll                                     Jeff Bagwell

5. __ __rr__                                        Ed Barrow

6. _oo_ ____ __ll                                Cool Papa Bell

7. ___nn_ _____                                 Johnny Bench

8. ____ __rr_                                      Yogi Berra

9. _____ __gg__                                 Craig Biggio

10. ____ __gg_                                   Wade Boggs

11. ___ __tt_____                              Jim Bottomley

12. ______ ___tt                                George Brett

13. __ll___ _____                               Willard Brown

14. ___ __nn_n_                                 Jim Bunning

15. __ss_ _____tt                               Jesse Burkett

16. ___ _______ll_                             Roy Campanella

17. __pp_ ________                           Happy Chandler

18. __ __bb                                         Ty Cobb

19. _dd__ __ll___                               Eddie Collins

20. __mm_ __ll___                             Jimmy Collins

21. ___ __nn_ll_                                 Tom Connolly

22. _____ __nn__                               Roger Connor

23. ____ _oo___                                 Andy Cooper

24. __bb_ ___                                     Bobby Cox

25. _____ __mm____                         Candy Cummings

26. __zz_ ____                                                Dizzy Dean

27. __ll ______                                   Bill Dickey

28. ___ ____gg__                               Joe DiMaggio

29. __rr_ ____                                    Larry Doby

30. __bb_ ___rr                                  Bobby Doerr

31. ______ ______ss                          Barney Dreyfuss

32. ____ __ff_                                    Hugh Duffy

33. __nn__ _________                       Dennis Eckersley

34. __ll_ _____                                   Billy Evans

35. ___nn_ _____                               Johnny Evers

36. ___ __ll__                                     Bob Feller

37. ___ __rr_ll                                    Rick Ferrell

38. __ll__ _______                             Rollie Fingers

39. __ll ______                                   Bill Foster

40. __ll__ ___                                     Nellie Fox

41. __mm__ __xx                               Jimmie Foxx

42. __rr__ _____                                Warren Giles

43. ___ __ll___                                   Pat Gillick

44. _oo__ _o____                               Goose Goslin

45. _oo__ _oss___                              Goose Gossage

46. ____ __ee__e__                           Hank Greenberg

47. ___ ___ff__ __                              Ken Griffey Jr.

48. _____ ___ff___                            Clark Griffith

49. ________ ___rr___                      Vladimir Guerrero

50. __n_ ___nn                                   Tony Gwynn

51. __ss_ _____s                                Jesse Haines

52. __ll_ ____l___                              Billy Hamilton

53. __ll _ __rr____                              Will Harridge

54. _____ __rr__                                Bucky Harris

55. __bb_ ___t__tt                             Gabby Hartnett

56. __rr_ ______nn                            Harry Heilmann

57. __ll_ ______                                 Billy Herman

58. ____ __ll                                       Pete Hill

59. ______ __ff___                            Trevor Hoffman

60. __rr_ _oo___                                Harry Hooper

61. ___ __bb___                                 Cal Hubbard

62. ____ __bb_ll                                 Carl Hubbell

63. __ll__ __gg___                             Miller Huggins

64. __gg__ _______                           Reggie Jackson

65. ______ __nn_n__                         Hughie Jennings

66. ___pp__ _____                             Chipper Jones

67. _dd__ __ss                                    Addie Joss

68. ___ _ee_e                                     Tim Keefe

69. __ll__ _ee_e_                               Willie Keeler

70. ______ __ll                                   George Kell

71. ___ __ll__                                     Joe Kelley

72. ______ __ll_                                 George Kelly

73. ____ __ll_                                     King Kelly

74. ______ __ll_____                         Harmon Killebrew

75. __ll ____                                       Bill Klem

76. ____ __ __ss_                               Tony La Russa

77. __rr_ __r___                                 Barry Larkin

78. __mm_ _______                           Tommy Lasorda

79. ____ __zz___                                Tony Lazzeri

80. ___dd__ _________                     Freddie Lindstrom

81. Ll___ ___                                       Lloyd Pop

82. __nn__ ____                                 Connie Mack

83. __rr_ ________                            Larry Macphail

84. _ee ________                               Lee Macphail

85. ____ __dd__                                 Greg Maddux

86. _ff_ ______                                   Effa Manley

87. __bb__ _______ll_                       Rabbit Maranville

88. _dd__ ____e__                             Eddie Mathews

89. __ll__ ____                                   Willie Mays

90. __ll _________                             Bill Mazeroski

91. ___ _cC_____                               Joe McCarthy

92. __mm_ _cC_____                         Tommy McCarthy

93. __ll__ _cC____                              Willie McCovey

94. ___ ____nn___                             Joe McGinnity

95. __ll _______                                 Bill McGowan

96. __ll _________                             Bill McKechnie

97. ___ ____ee                                   Bid McPhee

98. ___nn_ ____                                 Johnny Mize

99. ____ __rr__                                  Jack Morris

100. _dd__ __rr__                              Eddie Murray

101. ______ ____ll__                         Walter O’Malley

102. ___ _tt                                        Mel Ott

103. ____ __nn___                             Herb Pennock

104. _______ __rr_                            Gaylord Perry

105. ____ ___zz_                                Mike Piazza

106. _dd__ ______                             Eddie Plank

107. ____ _____tt                              Kirby Puckett

108. _ee _ee _ee_e                            Pee Wee Reese

109. _pp_ _____                                 Eppa Rixey

110. ____ __zz___                              Phil Rizzuto

111. __oo__ _o___o_                         Brooks Robinson

112. __ll__ _____                               Bullet Rogan

113. _dd _____                                   Edd Roush

114. ___ __ff___                                Red Ruffing

115. _____ __pp___                           Jacob Rupport

116. _____ _e_ee                               Frank Selee

117. ___ ____ll                                   Joe Sewell

118. __ __mm___                              Al Simmons

119. _zz__ _____                                Ozzie Smith

120. __ll_ __________                       Billy Southworth

121. __rr__ _____                              Warren Spahn

122. __ll__ ______ll                           Willie Stargell

123. _____ __tt__                              Bruce Sutter

124. ____  __tt___                              Mule Suttles  

125. ___ __tt__                                  Don Sutton

126. __ll __rr_                                     Bill Terry

127. ___ __rr_                                    Joe Torre

128. _________ __rr_____                Cristobal Torriente

129. ____ ___mm_ll                          Alan Trammell

130. __zz_ _____                                Dazzy Vance

131. ____ _ee__                                 Bill Veeck

132. ____ __dd_ll                               Rube Waddell

133. B_bb_ __ll___                             Bobby Wallace

134. Ll___ _____                                Lloyd Waner

135. ______ ___ss                              George Weiss

136. __ll__ __ll_                                 Willie Wells

137. _Il_ __ll____                               Billy Williams

138. ____ __ll____                             Dick Williams

139. ___ __ll____                               Joe Williams

140. ___ __ll____                               Ted Williams

141. ___ __ll__                                   Vic Willis

142. __rr_ _r____                               Harry Wright

143. _____ __nn                                 Early Wynn

144. __ss _____s                                Ross Youngs

Bonus Questions:

This one was added to the list by the Today’s Game Era Committee in December.

145. _ee _____                                   Lee Smith

Two more were added to this list (newly elected members announced on Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019).

146. ___ __ll____                               Roy Halladay

147. ____ __ss___                              Mike Mussina